The travel
One thing amongst many others I love about giving dollmaking workshops is the travel itself. Living by the Atlantic ocean makes me often transit through Paris and I don’t mind it. Even a huge suitcase full of dollmaking supplies can’t stop me to have a walk in the streets and to contemplate the architecture. From every corner a piece of art pops up!

Doll friendship
During the many years of dollmaking I have made friendships with fellow dollmakers. One of the most precious is with Anouk from Mon Pilou.
Her dolls are one of my favorites, she has her very own style. Anouk’s dolls have soft and delicate expressions that speak to my heart. And their clothing is exquisite.

Mon Pilou boutique
I had the honour to be invited to visit Anouk’s boutique in Amsterdam, a marvelous and cosy place around the dolls and the dollmaking. The store offers all the needed materials to create a Waldorf doll, a large choice of fabrics for the clothing, knitted outfits and this is also the place where Anouk holds her dollmaking worksops. A dreamy place for sure!

The Workshop
It has been 6 years since the Dutch dollmaker of Atelier Floralie wanted to take part in one of my workshops. However either my schedule did not match her availability or my workshops were cancelled due to the pandemic. 2023 is the year the stars aligned for us to finally meet and she kindly invited me to hold a workshop at her place in Baarn. We reunited a lovely group of doll lovers from several different countries, all moved by the same passion.

The dolls
At the end of two days of hard work, blisters, laughs, shared meals, 7 beautiful dolls and new friendships were born.
Some of my students had to leave the workshop earlier and I did not have the chance to take pictures of their dolls. One thing is sure – everyone has learnt new techniques. I like changes and it is important to me to teach new methods at every next workshop.
I was happy to meet one of my dolls, Isaure, created a couple of years ago and now living in Holland. My workshop model Astrid was offered a home in Holland too, to live where she belongs. My last custom doll Margot has also met her mom at the workshop, Margot changed her nationality and became Belgian.

My dollmaking workshop adventure ended by a short stay in Amsterdam, just enough to feel the spirit of this amazing city.
Thank you Henriette for being a perfect hostess and for making this happen!
Thank you Ladies for coming to my workshop, I really enjoyed it!